Exdomo´s own pages

Containing support-, info- and
all kinds of other stuff

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Wordcloud collection of webrelated words, same as on the homepage

What is this?

As we are bringing back-online a huge collection of old websites that momentarily reside only on a hard-drive, there will be all kinds of stuff that do not belong to any category.

Next to that this page will be used for providing information about applications that we have on this domain like a help-section for our Social Media and our Blog, terms and conditions etc.

So that's what this section is for.

Not an advertisement, but looks like it

(Not an advertisement) 

Quick menu

[NL] Informatie Sociale Media

Voor uitgebreide informatie inzake onze Sociale Media applicatie, kun je naar deze pagina gaan

Information Social Media

For in-depth information about our Social Media application, you can go to this webpage

Information Blog

For information about our Blog, you can go to this section

About our Blog


The Blog is here to share all kinds of things that happen in the background and that we encounter while developing the website. This is different than the news-section on the homepage: in the news-section we will only share newly-published sites from now on.


If you want to comment to a blogpost you will need to register first, everybody can read posts, but only registered users can comment.
But none-registered users can always like a post by clicking on the golden heart at the bottom of it:

Like a blogpost


Once you have registered it may take a while for your account to become active, we will review every new registration, before allowing the account to be created


Social (and other) things: