Follow your dreams
in Portugal
(the Beiras)

Three beautiful provinces
that have everything to offer

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About follow your dreams in Portugal (the Beiras)

This is a non-profit initiative, the objective here is to challenge everything that we have learned about life, happiness, career, money, goals, relationships etc. because we are all individuals with individual needs.

Not an advertisement, but looks like it

(Not an advertisement) 

That feeling

Do you sometimes feel: "there múst be more than this"?
And do you then think that it just "is what it is" and feel locked in?

And here's where you can choose to turn dreams into reality.

Want to go away? Start a new life? Then go!

Think you can't?
Then read on, you might find out that it's not as impossible as you think it is.

Is this it?

Is thát all there is? Do you wonder sometimes?
As a kid you learn that you have to clean up your room, listen to your parents, do your homework, finish school, find a job etc.

And when you finally grow up, you don't even question all these things, it's like they come naturally, like they are a part of you.

But new challenges and disappointments will cross your path and you might start to question what you've learned.

That's when dreams can become truth.

And there's more:

So here it is: if you think about moving to another country all kinds of things start running through your head like "Will I miss my family and friends?", "Will I have enough money to live on?", "Do I even have enough to buy myself a place?" etc. etc.

All these things probably feel quite overwhelming, but we tell you: "you're going to be fine", because if you really want to you're able to do much more than you think. For example: we see people here living of just a couple of hundreds of euros a month, we've seen pieces of land sold for a 1000 euros (the lowest price ever was a stunning 250 euros) and modern day technology brings all kinds of possibilities of communication with the people in your homecountry: social media, skype, whatsapp etc. (for around 25 euros you have unlimited internet here, no cables needed, it's all "in the air", you get a router with it for free and you have internet at home).

So if (one of) the forementioned thoughts was holding you back, maybe now that cloud has moved a bit?

And there are so many examples, just have a look at the Portugal-blog and throw in your questions and doubts, don't think that Google has all the answers. You can also have a look at what we did to find some more inspiration, or: ready? Go!

Portugal quick menu

- Portugal blogposts:
Blogposts in the category "Portugal" where it's possible to place comments

- This main-page:
Thinking about moving to Portugal and making decisions

     - Ready? Then go!:
     Description of the first things that you need to do when you start living in Portugal

     - About us:
     and our simple, self-sufficient life on a farm in Portugal

- General information about the Beiras:
the beautiful landscape, the towns and villages and (water-)recreation

     - Fundao:
     City of cherries, wine, food and the good life

     - Oliveira do Hospital:
     West of the beautiful Serra da Estrela: the highest mountains of Portugal

     - Vilar Formoso:
     The largest border-crossing with Spain, where many nature-reservations are close by

- Finances:
About taxes, bankaccounts and mortgages

- Freetime:
About what the Portuguese Beiras have to offer in relation to spending your free time (nature, hiking, swimming etc.)

     - Restaurants in the Beira Baixa:
     From padarias to exclusive restaurants: the Beira Baixa has all sorts.

- Living:
About the different lifestyles that you can live in the Portuguese Beiras

     - Buying, selling and renting:
     From buying groceries to buying a house; read about how it works in Portugal.

     - Living on solar-energy:
     When thinking about "going solar" lots of things need to be taken into consideration.

     - A quinta in the Serra da Estrela:
     2 people living selfsufficient in the mountains, trying to start a café / restaurant.

     - A quinta in Enxames (Beira Baixa):
     Vale de souto: 2 older people living a life outside of the ratrace, selfsufficient and fully off-the-grid.

- Social / medical:
About the social- and medical system; how things work


Social (and other) things: