Clickjacking (UI redressing)
Clickjacking is an interface-based scam in which a user is tricked into clicking on f.e. a button or a link on a hidden website by clicking on something in a decoy website. This is often done by using an Iframe (a separate inline-frame in which another website is loaded than the website in the URL).
Next to classic clickjacking, we also know: Likejacking, Nested clickjacking, Cursorjacking, Mousejacking, Browserless clickjacking, Cookiejacking, Filejacking and Password manager attack.
To protect yourself against clickjacking you could use a frame-busting browser extension, or turn off the use of javaScript (which however also makes other benign functionalities useless).
Generally, prevention can be categorized as followed:
Client-side: NoScript, NoClickjack, GuardedID, Gazelle and Intersection Observer v2
Server-side: Framekiller, X-Frame-Options.